Turf Fertilizations Q&A

Turf Fertilizations Q&A

What nutrients does my turf grass require?

There are 6 major components that your turf needs.  Find the perfect balance and you’ve got healthy turf that will stave off disease just like an immune system will do when it is at it’s prime. The macro-nutrients can be supplemented by adding the correct fertilizer to your turf.  A balanced fertilizing program for your lawn will include all these main elements along with some of the micro-nutrients also needed by the grass. Micro-nutrients are minerals like Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Boron and Sulfur.

Essential nutrients needed for a healthy turf

  • Nitrogen (N) – Affects shoot-root growth, density color, disease resistance and stress tolerance
  • Phosphorus (P) – Affects rate of seedling development, maturation, and root growth
  • Potassium (K) – Affects drought tolerance, cold hardiness, and disease resistance
  • Calcium (Ca) – Important in cell division and membrane function. Deficiencies result in poor root and shoot growth.
  • Magnesium (Mg) – Important component of chlorophyll. Deficiencies result in chlorosis (yellowing).
  • Sulfur (S) – another yellowing factor when deficient.

Insufficiencies of nutrients will be obvious in the plant tissue.  Reddening or yellowing of leaves, thinning of the strand, stunted growth, and increase in susceptibility to disease.

(another photo of grass up close with thinning strands?)

Apply fertilizers before you see signs of a deficiency.

How do I determine what my turf needs?

Say it with me “Soil Samples”!  The basis of all information for healthy turf comes from the data collected.  In order to determine the natural fertility and problem issues of your lawn, a soil test is the first step. A soil test will includes analysis of soil PH, macro-nutrients and micro-nutrients levels. Knowing the fertility conditions allows you to make informed decisions regarding other aspects of turf fertilization such as fertilizer application rates and frequencies.

Key Benefits of Fertilization

  • Provides dark green rich turf color
  • Keeps grass healthy
  • Keeps grass thick which helps to keep the weeds out
  • Nitrogen boosts growth and the green color of turf
  • Potassium strengthens a lawns resistance to drought and disease
  • Phosphorous feeds grass seedlings and turf root development

